☽You are what you think you are☾



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Calmness is consciousness, when your aware of how you feel and whats making you feel a certain way you become more in control of how you react and or respond. If your one that needs to align with the calmness that lies within then this bracelet is a wonderful match for you.

Turquoise is one of the oldest healing stones in history, its made up of a vibrant blue that is known to calm the soul. This stone is known as the stone of communication and is connected to our throat chakra. It brings courage, strength, and calmness to our minds. It allows us to speak our truth and figure out whats best for ourselves. Makes us more confident when communicating with others. 

Howlite 🤍 The calming stone 
Raises awareness, allowing vibration to connect and flow through wearer granting a clear vision. For those who have a lot of clutter trapped in there mind and just want to release it!
This stone absorbs stress and tension, helping you stay calm is all situations.